Monday, November 2, 2009

The Golden Hour...

Sometimes a dive is just magical. When Kevin, Dianne and I entered the water to head for the Stacked Hulls this afternoon, it was just another dive; check out the line, have a good swim yahdi yahdi yahdah ! It turned out that it was one of those 'everything just clicked' occasions that you rarely enjoy. The line was easily found and followed, only a very slight current impeded the direct passage and the visibility wasn't too bad at about 25-30 feet. That's all well and good, but somehow it all came together for us. The swim seemed effortless, maintaining attitude and pace came naturally and all was well with the World. We were on the wrecks in 20 minutes. Huge Bass lazily and inquisitively nudged towards us and we had a really good look around the Hulls, noting features that we hadn't seen before. In all, we spent about 20 minutes nosing around. The return journey was just as straightforward. Nosing up over the ledge and swimming in over the shelf, it became clear that we were approaching an hour underwater, without really trying. What a great way to enjoy a November afternoon. There were rosy hues in the western sky as we emerged after 63 minutes - and a near full moon to the East. Genuinely, a Golden Hour !

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