Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunday Club Report - March 25th

Another good dive for the Sunday Club. This time attracting four divers; Adam, Kevin, Jeremie and myself. The venue - no surprises here - was Upper Brewer's again. For the benefit of those who were less familiar with the site, we headed upstream initially and visited the dam. Adam and I amused ourselves by heading right into the turbulent stream emerging from the overflow and discovered an interesting ledge under the bank.

Tiring of the upstream side, which is very shallow, we all allowed the gentle current to sweep us back under the bridge and into the 'bowl'. By this stage, we'd become two pairs. Adam and I continued South, checking out the old sawmill site and doing a little bit of rummaging. At this stage, after seeing many Crayfish, I spotted a dozing Turtle.

Everyone enjoyed a decent diving experience and I forced Adam to the exit just before 80 minutes had elapsed. Next time, I'll pump my tank right up and let him stay a little longer. Water temperature 38F (3C) and air temperature a pleasant 6C (43F). Occasional sunshine definitely improved the day - and I can report that the Martins have arrived at the stream, swooping and wheeling over the water. We were also treated to a little tattoo from a woodpecker, which attacked the power pole right by the vehicles. Ah - Spring !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.