Spring has sprung one might cautiously suggest...
Today's dive was blessed with brilliant sunshine, an air temperature of 6C (43F) and a strong turnout of enthusiastic divers. Dianne, Jim, Christopher, Rob and I enjoyed a leisurely 45 minutes or so in water that is slowly warming up. We all recorded somewhere around 36/37F (2/3C). The plan called for a dip into the 'bowl' below the bridge and a downstream transit to look at the area around the bottom end of the locks, taking in the remains of the old sawmill on the East bank en route. There were no glitches. A variety of objects were examined and several bits of clay pipe recovered. It was very noticeable that, for some reason, the crayfish were abundantly evident in the bottom of the bowl. I personally spotted 4 or 5 in the couple of minutes spent in that area.
The diving future looks bright right now. One of the aims must be to visit the section of water downstream of the lock complex, before the Canal opens for the Summer season on May 24th. Currently, ice precludes safe entry.
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