The choices were made, and with the weather being favorable, we were treated to the City of Sheboygan, Katie Eccles. and the Olive Branch. Again the size of these Schooners is nothing but amazing. You really do have to wonder what kind of storm was brewing the day these ships were put to the bottom of Lake Ontario. Sadly lives too were lost on the City of Sheboygan and the Olive Branch.
A fate many of these great Schooners tell. One thing is for sure. When you get out to the site of the Olive Branch you really do get a feel for the size of the lake.
As you approach the surface marker you see Main Duck Island to the left, and False Duck Island to the right. At this point you realize you really are, a long way from shore and very close to being out in the middle of lake. The rain held off long enough for us to enjoy our surface intervals on the deck relatively dry. I can hardly wait till the next time the chance arises to visit these Schooners again. Let alone to see what is planned for us on the next 3 Tank Charter booked for Sunday 15 August. As for this Charter, Just awesome. The pictures say it all...
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