The club lived up to the national standard today with a small but not planned chuckle. Never tell Gaetan where you are actualy diving, he might just forget anyways, and go where you were before. So after a small 30 minute delay as he drove from Brule Road Quarry to Mortons Wharf where the dive actualy was, the gang was ready to test out Josees new DUI suit. We would of said april fools to him, but Kevin did tell him Mortons Wharf. I'm just gonna put it down to old age. Soon we will have to trade Gaetan in for a younger more effeicent model with more hair on his head. JK bro we wouldnt have quite as much fun with the newer one.

While the Weather is pure summer fantastic, the water is still bitterly winter. Here we see Kevin and Josee practicing thier Kung Fu in thier new DUI drysuits, look how spry they appear as they wait for Mr "I forgot my fins" Grondin. 30 min, 25 feet, and 39F later we all came out dry and happy. The vis is anywhere from 20 to 40 feet even in the dark, despite my best efforts to kick up the bottom taking pictures.
Lots to see at the Wharf today:

A baby Northern Pike, Perch, Mudpubby salamander and the elusive April Fools Grondy!
Couple of points to note: 1. When doing a dive that is late in the day, take lights, you never know if your gonna need them.
2. The folks who are running the Brule Road Quarry dont appear to be answering the phone, as they likely are waiting for the real summer to arrive. Plan accordingly.
As allways "Dive with a Knife", and the pool is open see you in the drink soon!
Good Blog Matt,
I need your help to install my KNIFE on my back plate.
So I can dive with it, instead carry yours in my back! LOL
Words goes fast when you forget a little thing.
That would be twice then that someone has forgotten their fins... Best to leave them in the car perhaps..
Nice pics..
I forgot my fins once and I do have my check list handy now.
Due to lack of fact he is using old material. LOL
Also it is all fun and good for the moral, nice pictures Matt.
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