Sunday, December 20, 2009

Todd goes to the DOGs...

So, Todd took delivery of his new DUI TLS 350 drysuit yesterday. It's a miracle he didn't insist on a night dive to christen it ! Anyhoo, this morning we made our way to KGH to hit the wreck offshore. Well, you couldn't put the first dive on a new drysuit in 12 feet of water now, could you ? The dive worked out really well. The suit performed flawlessly and the only adjustment necessary is going to be just a touch more weight. The outstanding package offered by James at NTD included full underwear set, pockets, reinforcements and other accessories, including hood and thermal socks. His special deals are going to be in force until early next year, so speak to the folks in Collins Bay soon, if you're interested in upgrading. Video of Todd going to the DOGs (DUI Owners' Group) is shown below. BTW - water temp was 37℉ (3℃) - and we had no difficulty managing 47 minutes underwater.

The line is intact and we cleaned it up. If you're going to dive the wreck, you should note that, about 2/3s of the way out something has caught the line and displaced it eastward. It still reaches the wreck, but arcs around to it now rather than making a straight line.

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