Are sequels as good as the original? Well if it's the Empire strikes back, yes.. otherwise .. not so much. I didn't get to see Darth Vader on this dive however I bet I know a company that could make a dive hood like him though! ( or ) (Thanks Anne at Kingston Dive charters for the pic of the dude with horns which caused me to go looking for how to buy one).
Last Wed night 4 of us braved the winds of Collins Bay for what was supposed to be a day dive at the Aloha and Effie May. No pie charts or graphs tonight. We came, we dove in the murk with not to much light left, and we saw tons, and I mean metric tons of fish that night. Jeffys 1 fresh water drum graph was repeated for our viewing pleasure. So again the amount of fun we had vs the Roman Coliseum, the great wall of China is no contest. We win!
As Kim cried "Krusty is coming, Krusty is coming..." (episode -- of the simpsons where bart is at krusty camp and turned into a sweat shop labourer) we all prayed for the rain and winds to die down for one more shot at boat dives in the last days of summer. did we even have a summer? I dunno. Fortune favoured us though and the weather actually co-operated with us, and we all made it out for a semi night dive.
Its nights like this that being in a club is great fun. Esspecially when you meet new people.. like Stacie.. did I say Stacie? did I spell it right Stacie? took me the entire damn night and back to the dock to remember her name. Chalk it up to DCS I guess =P isnt that right Stacie? I can feel her lazer beam eyes burning a hole in the back of my head now....I better just say it one more time for good luck.. Stacie.
No pics tonight. My flash decided it didn't like water and the batteries died again....I swear I am going to drive a tank over it when I can afford to. I do however have a lot of great pictures of black cats and the odd zebra mussel in a room with no lights I think.
Instead I give you the fine art of Grondin industries:
pic one - the great Kazoo (name that tv show)
Pic two - the desperados who better start diving with a knife :
I used to say as always- keep blowing bubbles, as of today it's "allways dive with a knife" (sung to the tune of original star trek fight music - google it on your own)
The Flintstones.
OK so we know who the cartoon fanatic is.
I'd add Godfather and Terminator to the list of series featuring sequels as good as or better than the original. Of course, you're on the money with Empire Strikes Back as well.
Thanks for posting - I had too much venom for everyone who missed this time, and after the scolding I gave them already! You people should all know better by now!
Here's a link of the best of the drum photos through the particulate: Click here.
Pleasure diving with you all!
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