Sunday, June 24, 2007

Club Members clean up Brule Road Quarry

8 divers and relatives, 12 in total, came out today to cleanup the popular dive spot. The cleanup began at 9 am in order to get started before the crowd arrived but even by then there was likely a dozen vehicles on the east side of the quarry.

The club members worked hard to remove as much glass and other garbage from the parking areas and all sandy areas.

Less than an hour and a half later Steve Coombs trailer was overloaded with garbage. Many thanks to Steve for the use of his trailer and for looking after the disposal of the garbage.

Yes of course after the cleanup we had to go for a relaxing dive and then Kim and Scott put on a great BBQ using left over supplies from the treasure hunt.

The other clubs / organizations who were present at the quarry took great notice of this effort and several came over to express their appreciation.

Many thanks to Kim and Scott for arranging this event and providing all the supplies . . . and especially the chocolate covered chocolates.

1 comment:

Kingstondivepro said...

Outstanding job all concerned - and a super photo to commemorate the event!

It's rather good that other visitors should have seen this action take place - everyone will benefit.

Just sorry that I couldn't be with you to lend a hand.