Sunday, April 22, 2007

Mooring Chains at TYC

Well I dragged Adam and Jean-Olivier out on Saturday for a working dive, shifting around mooring chains on the docks at Trident Yacht Club (where I keep my boat). It was a gorgeous sunny day and Jean-Olivier even got drafted into helping with some dock installations while we were waiting to go diving. The water was about 41°F and after close to an hour and a half of working on chains I had a chill that penetrated to the core. It was a very successful dive and very much appreciated by the club. We'll be doing a few more dives there over the coming months to complete the work that we started. We closed the day with some homemade chili and a beer sitting in the sun on the clubhouse deck.


Kingstondivepro said...

Nice report Pat - doesn't that bone-chilling cold suck..?

Roll on the days when you can happily spend a couple of hours in the water and emerge smiling - not in rictus...

Anonymous said...

How true how true... but I must say, just being able to stay in the water for 90 mins is a big plus!! We're getting there!!