Sunday, November 9, 2008

Surf entries on the Lake - unusual...

When a strong westerly breeze blows over the Lake for several hours, it can raise quite a wave on shore. But, that's no deterrent to the determined diver - and just to prove the fact - three of us made our way out to the Stacked Hulls this afternoon through some fairly heavy surf. I can't remember encountering quite so much surge in the shallows ever before. Understandably, the visibility was pretty poor in the early stages, but on the wrecks themselves we enjoyed about 30 feet or better - certainly enough to make for some decent video. I've decided that some of these big Bass are frustrated actors. They certainly mug it up for the camera. Check out the short video here. The water temp was the usual 50℉ (10℃). Total dive time, with about 15 minutes on the wreck, was 56 minutes.

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