Saturday, August 30, 2008

Lining up to visit the KGH wreck..

No fewer than seven divers hit the water by Murney Tower tonight to take advantage of the recently-laid line that goes to what is, for the meantime, being called the KGH wreck. Transit times from shore are generally about 15 minutes - at a leisurely pace. Everyone had lots of time to enjoy the features of the site, including examination of the wooden knees (one pictured here) that are quite conspicuous on either side. I think that everyone is looking forward to seeing some high quality pics of the wreck. It's great to note that divers from the Great Lakes Underwater Explorers have improved access further by laying a right-angled, white guideline at the 15 foot level running eastward from the yellow line's start point. This makes location of the start really easy. Thanks to all concerned.

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