Saturday, April 30, 2011

Dive the Comet

Well this marks the start of a new dive season. I had the opportunity to dive the Comet this morning. A friend of mine came up from Burlington to dive this weekend. Through the efforts of Steve Black, providing the fine transportation to the dive site. David Megarry, Gaetan our club treasurer , and yours truly provided the diving. The rumor was out, that the vis was good. Well, we 3 divers found it to be outstanding. We started our descent and at 25 ft the Comet was in sight. Resting at 85 ft, it was a truly sight that had not been seen since last summer, but in the best vis ever. With a bottom time of 36 minutes and a number of trips around looking at her, it was time to head back to the surface. It was observed back on board, that the 3 of us divers enjoyed this dive. The chatter went on for about 30 min, as we got out of our gear and got the equipment stored. An absolutely fantastic dive and the weather couldn't have been better. The dive charters will be in full swing in the next few weeks. The weekly club Wednesday evening dives will be starting on the 11th of May. After todays dive, I know, I am looking towards a very exciting season of diving. See you out in the open water...