Not alot of time today to banter on about the perils and joys of diving yesterday, I am sneaking in during lunch to report last nights unusual dive. 8 brave divers drove out to collins bay to dive with Kingston Dive Charters. They relocated to the small dock right behind the Legion that is 100m east of NTD. 3 dove wet and 5 went dry, becuase of this mix it was decided that we would try out the Aloha and Effie may. The water temps have averaged 45+ past the first thermoclines at 30 feet so we figured it was safest for those crazy enough to go wet.
Conditions of the dive were not the best, and visibility was near 10 - 5 feet most of the time and required a light. Mind you, the fact we got in at dusk didnt help things either. There was quite alot of green stuff floating around, so this intrepid photograper didnt get much of value this time.
Details of the dive are as follows: 52 feet, 31 min, 65 on the surface, 48 at the bottom.
Upon return we enjoyed a spectacular display of lightining and some rain. Despite how unnerving (being on an alluminum boat with a pile of metal high pressure tanks) it looked it was still impressive to see nature at her some of her fiercest!
Couple lessons to take away from this dive:
1. Take a light on the charters, at this time of year its pretty dark when you crack the surface of the water.
2. Take in a shore dive or 2 before you grab a boat charter to check out your gear and get reaquainted with your gear. I will be running the Sunday club again this year however I will be changing the start time to 1pm at the club with 12-1230ish for rental pick up. You dont want to be caught out at the dive site on a boat you paid for to find out something is not working and you havent really tested it in a long time. Its why we run a shore program for folks to have a relaxing mostly free (minus the cost of air) check out dive or 2 before rushing off to the expesive boat charters.
3. Lastly please confirm with Kim your status about if you want to do the charter or not, No one wants to turn someone away becuase they didnt confirm thier booking and the boat is over full, or worse there are not enough folks who confirm and it gets cancelled. It greatly helps the chater operator in planning thier operations for us.

Not alot of pics today everything was pretty much green and fuzzy.
Yours in Fun Safe diving
The Knife Guy!